Archive | July 2016

Not over the Mountain yet.

Sorry it’s been awhile since my last post but my health is once again not co-operating with my get well soon plan. My menstrual cycle seemed to stop almost two years ago and I thought I had finished with that time of my life but last month I began to bleed for about three weeks straight. After a few visits to the hospital to try to determine if the blood was from the bladder or kidneys they have decided that it is coming from my cervix. After stopping menstruation it is unusual to start to bleed again  so they took an ultrasound which revealed nothing and now they want to do a biopsy on my uterus wall. Cancer is a very scary word and I know they have to rule it out but it does leave oneself with a nervous feeling in the pit of one’s stomach.My blood tests are normal for a woman who is not premenaposal which leaves the doctor’s puzzled. I am trying to remain calm and optimistic but I have begun bleeding more heavily than I ever have  before and I am unsure as to what is the next step is in this procedure. My doctor has informed me that my B levels in my blood are low and I think that it is that symptom that makes me feel so tired out. I have been slacking on Riley’s training as menstrual cramps are making me feel quite horrible and I feel exhausted all the time. Still I know the Lord will help and give me the strength to keep going . Hopefully I will have more pictures and stories to tell you but right now I am just tired and hoping that things get easier later on. Mean while my service dog in training turned a year on July 14th. Where do the days go? Anyway here is  a picture of her around ten weeks.


Thanks to the Lord My God For I can do all things through him who strengthens me Amen.